Tagged: kongdicator trading

Kongdicator – Forex Kong’s Trade Technology

The “Kongdicator” has been years in the making.

The Kongdicator is truly a thing of beauty, and a product of literally “1000’s of hours” logged staring into the dark soul of my “evil computer monitor”.

Computers have no heart..no compassion …..and will gladly steal your eyesight at a moment’s notice ( given half the chance) but NO!……not in this case – as we survive “unscathed” – Kongdicator in hand.

The Kongdicator Rules Forex Kong.

I am a fundamental trader at heart – looking to “ride the waves” as “planetary monetary policy” shifts and evolves. I look to long-term charts FIRST and then look to the Kongdicator to get me “in and out” on the short-term “ebb and flow”.

We’ve now proven it’s worth in equities markets as well – nailing the last several turns “literally to the day”.

We all need to improve on our trading. We all need a plan.

The Kongdicator “is” my plan.

It’s like this…..I’ve been working on this for years, and have always been taught / learned that  – “you need to stand up for what you believe – and never let anything stand in your way”. So……..there it is. I wouldn’t get so excited about it if I didn’t feel I could stand behind it.

Kongdicator coming your way – soon!