Tagged: gold

Gold Smashed This A.M – No Worries At All

At this point in the game I have little concern for the price of gold as it’s trading almost exactly in tandem with the Japanese Yen ( JPY ) – both functioning as obvious “safe havens”.

These assets obviously gain momentum when “risk comes off” and considering that markets are now re testing the near term highs – what should one expect? ( insert lightbulb above head here )

The average investor, caught in the headlights of the main stream media and The Fed is certainly not “seeking safety” here as of this morning

Appreciate that nearly everything I track is stretched to extremes right now and rightfully so as…we are so very close to one of the largest turns this market will have seen in a very long time.

Why would  gold be any different? A couple bucks here and a couple bucks there – not to worry.

These low volume days ( some of the lowest volume days of the year ) are legendary for getting people excited / worried as prices in “all assets” swing to extremes, washing out weak hands, luring in new buyers etc…

It’s always this way before a major turn in markets as the boys at your local brokerage / bank take the opportunity to push prices “as far in their favor as possible” before dumping.

September has everyone back in their cubicles. Likely back in their cubicles selling stocks and buying gold.

Gold is good – just not particularly “speedy” here at the moment.

Kong Buys – Gold And Silver Miners Galore

I’ve started a small portfolio ( actually via Kong Senior up North with his “Canadian loonies” – Hey pop!) including the following names, and harken back to a post from the “grand productive days” before all this blogging and investing got so “serious”.


Mining – Could It Be In Our Genes?

Could the ancient astronaut theory hold true?

That thousands of years ago celestial visitors came to our planet in search of materials needed for their very survival – and in realizing the difficulties in extracting these materials from the ground, developed modern man to essentially do the hard work for them? When you really think about it…..it’s really not that far off.

As a young boy I remember a hoax that played out at my elementary school. A group of the older kids had painted a bunch of small rocks with gold model paint and hid them out in the sand of the school’s playground. Once the word got out….I recall the excitement and anticipation sitting there in my tiny desk, staring at the clock, squirming in my chair, waiting for the bell to ring. “Gold! Gold! – they’ve found gold in the playground!”.

We’d trip over ourselves racing out the door – eager to be the first to lay our hands on even the smallest spec of the glorious stuff. We spent hours on our hands and knees sifting, searching for our fortunes.

In the end…….I never found a single piece.

A silly young boy indeed –  but is it really any different now as adults?

Maybe mining is in our genes.

We’ll see how these little nuggets pay off here in a couple of months.


Gold Going Down – Snake Oil Salesmen As Well

How is it that you continue to flush your money down the toilet?

It’s been pointed out here time and time again that “gold is not a trade” yet you continue to “buy the snake oil” these chicken shit / bullshit / con artist / “financial bloggers” keep selling you.

Perhaps you’ve gotten lazy, and have put your trust in others to “navigate the mine field for you” well……..

That’s just plain stupid.

Gold is going lower because ( big fat light bulb above your head )……Gold is going lower.

I’m not “selling you the reason”. I don’t need a chart.

You’ve got to stop looking for the “freebie” ( as you lose your ass ) and start looking at some of this stuff for yourselves.

What could some “clown in a desert” possibly know about the future of Gold – that you can’t just as easily figure out for yourself?

Blank stare…head scratch….akward silence…..dead air…….






Gold and USD – Passing In The Night

With the expected move out of USD coming together over night, we’ve seen more than enough follow through here to confirm what was suggested yesterday.

Stocks won’t hang on here, and I expect the power of the U.S Dollar “repatriation trade” to flatten gold here as well.

For those of you “investor types” I imagine you’ve come this far so a couple more months ( and perhaps further drawdown ) as gold slides into “its final leg lower” likely won’t kill you.

However for those looking at gold,silver and the related mining stocks as a trade….unfortunately – I see lower prices – before higher.

This is no “small blip” as far as USD is concerned, likely marking a significant turn “not only in the currency” but “in all” that it affects.

So far only the European currencies have taken the initial hit, but it won’t be too long now til we see the Canadian Dollar, as well Australian and New Zealand follow suit, and I’m not talking about a trade here……I’m talking about a major shift over the medium and even long-term investment horizons.

Top call still very much so “intact” here as of today – with the “Members of Kong” doing very nicely in our first month working together. Feel free to poke around the members site, and hey….you can even join us if you’d like. I’d take an additional 20 if you want to contact me over the weekend at : info@forexkong.com

Have a great weekend everyone! It’s sun sun sunshine here!



Chinese Fire Sale – U.S Dollar Up In Smoke

Make no mistake…China “will” take the hit on those warehouses filled with “useless dollar bills”, or at least what’s left of them by the time they’ve used all they can to buy gold.

As the “macro plans” continue to take shape, the Chinese will soon look back on the “massive fires that raged through the warehouse district” as a passing story in the news – in the context of a “time of change”.

Consider trading hockey cards with a couple of the other kids on your street. All of the same set and series, until a month or two later a new set is introduced and you start trading those. More kids are buying and trading these “new cards” until finally – all you’re left with is a tiny box of the “old ones” eating up precious storage space under your bed.

Eventually you forget all about them, as the trade of these “new cards” now has you buying and trading with little concern for the “few dollars lost” on the inventory of “old cards” gathering mold underneath your bed.

I think that sums it up.

As China continues to grow its domestic economy, and promote trade in Yuan as opposed to the U.S Dollar, it’s really only a matter of time until both China as well “a large portion of the industrialized world” separates completely from any dependence on a U.S imposed system of trade in U.S Dollars.

We good here?

No terrorism here. No “bash America” / China to rule the world type thing no.

Just a simple outline of how a couple of countries on this planet have grown to be less “export dependent” and more “domestically driven” and far less interested in the purchase and hold of U.S “funny money”- with the unfortunate result leaving The United States and it’s continued devaluation of the U.S Dollar  – out in the cold.

As the Fed continues to “mask” the true devaluation of the U.S Dollar by shorting the gold paper market and driving prices down, China gladly scoops up every ounce she can – demanding “actual delivery of the physical gold”.

China will continue to not only produce more gold, but as well purchase more gold “on the cheap” with every single “Fed raid in the paper market” to soon present the Yuan as a completely convertible currency on the global stage.

Complete with stockpiles of “real gold” sitting in vast warehouses behind it…..somewhere on the other side of the tracks.

So what does this mean for the future of the U.S Dollar and it’s use as the worlds reserve currency? What does this mean for the massive amounts of money previously gained by the U.S via the “use” of USD in trade world wide – soon to be lost?



Gary Savage – The Dumb Money Tracker

Once again I have trouble containing myself.

Here’s the original post where I quite blatantly called Gary out to discuss his “incredible investment advice”. Specifically TO BUY LONG TERM PUTS ON QQQ AND SPY on December 22nd.


The crux of “my issue” with this was the suggestion of “buying long dated puts for 2016” with the expectation of “holding these puts” for “potencially massive gains”.

Now – only 3 weeks later “The Dumb Money Tracker” is suggesting – and I quote:

“””At this point I think one has to throw caution to the winds and just buy stocks. Knowing that the Fed is going to protect the market for the foreseeable future.”””

“””Don’t worry about momentum divergences or trend line breaks. All one needs to know is that the Fed is handing out free money and all you have to do to get your share is buy stocks.”””

3 WEEKS LATER! This……only 3 weeks later.

I can’t for the life of me imagine what “other gems” Gary offers for a “$1 trial subscription”.

You can do your best again man….should you choose to “pop in” and clarify – but to be honest I really don’t see the point.

Smart money?

How bout “No Money”.

Silver And Gold – Is Now The Time To Buy?

The question has never really been “Kong – should I buy gold?” but more so “Kong – WHEN should I buy gold?”

The long-term fundamental case for owning gold and silver is as solid today, as it will be tomorrow – and as it’s always been. You can’t go wrong owning silver and gold  “if” – you’ve got a long enough profit horizon.

Up until now, gold and silver haven’t been a “trade” as the metals have “generally” fallen like mad, and sat consolidating in range for what feels like eternity. Silver is just a touch lower than the price a full 6 months ago. For the most part when any asset consolidates for this kind of “extended period” the move “out of this consolidation” is usually quite powerful. Very powerful.

In fact, in this case it’s very likely that the first move upward in both gold and silver will be so fast, and likely so large – that anyone who “wasn’t already in the trade” will be left chasing. Not to say that “you’ll miss the boat” as the PM’s (precious metals) have miles of upward potential – just that…..you may be looking to buy “EXK” for example at 7 dollars – as opposed to getting started, down here around 4 bucks.

We are very close to where I would suggest “starting to build positions”, and I feel that the “miners” will provide the largest “bang for your buck”.



It doesn’t matter which “silver miner” you look at as…the charts all look more or less exactly the same. I like EXK as a “trading vehicle” to make a play in the space – but a pile of others will also move in tandem when the PM’s move.

Check out “GPL” for a super low value play – currently trading at .76 cents!

Gold Priced In USD – Invest Don’t Trade

It remains to be seen as to what kind of “legs” this USD rally may have, and it’s implications with respect to the price of gold.

We’ve been over the “theory” as to why the Fed would prefer a lower price in gold as the US Dollar devaluation continues, but of course that’s all it’s been – theory. I fully understand the “short selling” in the paper market by Ben’s friends on the street, but to consider some kind of “global conspiracy” to keep the price “in line” with a sliding US Dollar would be a stretch for sure.

Looking at recent price movement we are “once again” in a position where both the U.S Dollar as well as gold have been falling together ( more or less ) where as just today, a decent “inverse” move with the dollar up and gold down another 17 bucks.

The analogy of “turning around a big cruise ship” as opposed to a motor boat comes to mind in that….these things play out day-to-day but are really moving on a much larger scale over a much longer period of time – and it does take time to turn that ship around. More time than most traders can bear.

It’s my view that anyone “building positions” in the precious metals around this area of price and time ( and lower ) shouldn’t really get into “to much trouble” looking longer term. It’s certainly not a trade, and it’s a big, big boat to turn so….weather or not you can take/manage the drawdown and slug it out is always a matter of ones personal trading / account / exposure / leverage etc…

Looking at specific “price levels” in an attempt to “nail it” on an asset worth 1300.00 bucks is a fools game, as fluxuation’s of 50 bucks here and there would apear normal ( % wise ) when trading “anything” of lesser value.

Hang in there is about all you can do.

Gold And Silver – Manipulation Explained

If you’re having trouble accepting the general idea that the U.S Federal Reserve will continue its assault on the U.S Dollar ( devaluing USD providing considerable relief to the current government debt obligations) then I can’t imagine you’ll be particularly thrilled with the following breakdown on gold and silver.

There is no greater enemy to the Fed than a rising price in gold or silver.

Against a backdrop of such extreme money printing and currency devaluation in the U.S, if left to reflect its true value” (as we’ve seen with respect to the price of gold priced in Yen)  the price of gold would now be significantly higher – and I mean SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than we see reflected in the current “paper market”.

When ever Uncle Ben gets nervous about the price creeping higher, he simply calls his buddies at JP Morgan, sends them a couple suitcases of freshly printed U.S toilet paper and POOF!

JP Morgan piles in even further “short” (via naked short contracts placed at the CME / COMEX) and the “paper price” continues to flounder/move lower. Ben keeps printing useless fiat paper – and the continued “illusion of prosperity” runs across televisions country-wide.

As I understand it ( and please forgive me if I’m way off ) there is considerably more silver/gold current sold “short” than physical / actual metal currently “above ground” on the entire planet Earth, and as informed investors now look to take “actual delivery” of the physical as opposed to just “trading in the paper market” we are about to see some serious fireworks.

Many heavy hitters have already suggested that The Comex may soon be looking at default. (CME Group is the largest futures exchange in the world. Many commodities, of which gold is one, are traded on this exchange. The gold exchange – which is often still referred to as the Comex, its original name prior to being bought by the CME – is the largest gold exchange by volume in the world).

Take it for what it’s worth as JP Morgan is now under investigation by the FBI and other authorities – this all may fall into the category of “conspiracy theory” if one chooses to just bury their head in the sand. 

Your head would absolutely spin if we jump up another “rung on the ladder” to discuss the London Bullion Markets, The Bank of International Settlements and The Fractional Gold System – let alone where China fits in.

Should I Buy Gold Kong?

I get this question a lot – a whole lot. Should I buy gold? Is gold going back up?

Interestingly, if you zoom out to a much longer time frame chart (maybe a weekly and even a monthly chart) you’ll see that Gold has suffered recently – yes…..but is “still” in an uptrend (pending it slows down and looks to reverse in and around this area sometime soon).

I would have to consider 1155.00 as a level of considerable importance and significance.

But please keep in mind (as we’ve discussed with respect to long-term charts) that turns on a weekly chart can take “literally” weeks, and weeks to stop then consolidate and finally turn to reverse course. Even at that ( considering we are looking at an asset that costs 1190.oo dollars) a hundred dollars here, a hundred dollars there – these aren’t “large swings” percentage wise. Putting an exact number on it is a fools game.

More important than the question of “should I buy gold?” would be the matter of “how do I buy gold?”

Don’t charge in there looking to call it a “trade” as you’ll likely miss on nailing an entry, but rather “build” a position over time “smoothing out” this volatility and not sweating the 50 buck swings.

Patience is your greatest asset here. You really can’t rush this one.