Tagged: trading gold

Bloglodytes Unite! – Intro To Economics

Q: What did the midget say when I asked him for a dollar?

A: “Sorry bud……………………………………….I’m a little short”.

Feel free to pull the trigger anywhere in here today, as most currency pairs have done what was expected – providing for fantastic entries here “short USD” and short “risk in general”.

You’ll see a number of the other usual correlations play out ( as this is so straight forward and obvious ) with commodities moving higher as “the currency that they are priced in” slides lower, then lower…….and lower some more. And yes folks…..even gold and silver!

Again I marvel at the “hoards of financial bloglodytes” peddling this kind of information for money.

This is about as common knowledge as it gets.

Literally……”Introduction to economics 101″.



Gold Smashed This A.M – No Worries At All

At this point in the game I have little concern for the price of gold as it’s trading almost exactly in tandem with the Japanese Yen ( JPY ) – both functioning as obvious “safe havens”.

These assets obviously gain momentum when “risk comes off” and considering that markets are now re testing the near term highs – what should one expect? ( insert lightbulb above head here )

The average investor, caught in the headlights of the main stream media and The Fed is certainly not “seeking safety” here as of this morning

Appreciate that nearly everything I track is stretched to extremes right now and rightfully so as…we are so very close to one of the largest turns this market will have seen in a very long time.

Why would  gold be any different? A couple bucks here and a couple bucks there – not to worry.

These low volume days ( some of the lowest volume days of the year ) are legendary for getting people excited / worried as prices in “all assets” swing to extremes, washing out weak hands, luring in new buyers etc…

It’s always this way before a major turn in markets as the boys at your local brokerage / bank take the opportunity to push prices “as far in their favor as possible” before dumping.

September has everyone back in their cubicles. Likely back in their cubicles selling stocks and buying gold.

Gold is good – just not particularly “speedy” here at the moment.

Equities Exhausted – USD Double Top

It’s been a tough grind here as of late, with such low volume trading leaving so many asset correlations stuck in the mud. Traders looking for the usual “signals” in one asset class with hopes of “putting it all together” have been pushed around and pulled back and forth – left struggling to “find an answer” within the continued “day-to-day chop”.

A tough market to navigate with Central Bankers hiding behind every corner, and with such low volume it would appear that on many days…..the market just seems to be sitting there – doing nothing.

Oil looks to be heading lower here and USD appears tired now sitting at its near term “double top” ( as seen via $dxy ).

Gold’s pullback appears to be resolving itself – sputtering out at a pretty solid area of support around 1292.00, while U.S Equities ( as well EU equities and Japan ) look weak, tired and exhausted.

Does anyone else expect that next weeks “U.S GDP report” will disappoint? And that perhaps markets are “finally considering” things aren’t nearly as rosy as the U.S Media continues to suggest?

It would have to have been “some kind of amazing quarter” ( the past 90 days only ) for the report to make up for the incredible ” -2.9 % loss in growth”  reported in the first quarter now wouldn’t it?

Stars would clearly align with USD moving lower, gold moving higher and “global equities” finally taking a break after the SP 500 has made it nearly 800 days straight without a meaningful correction.

Food for thought moving into next week. Perhaps you’ll want to take a peak at your computer / trade account a little more regularly.

Have a good weekend everyone. Enjoy the sun!



Forex, Stocks And Gold – Trading The Week Ahead

The updates trade table offers little in the way of “new trades” here as of this morning, as last Thursday’s “drop” and in turn Friday’s “pop” has left the higher time frames unchanged, and more or less “yellowed the waters” shorter term.




What may be of particular interest to you this week will be USD, and “yes once again” the debate as to which way she’ll go ( with conviction and follow through ) should we see this distribution environment “flip” to something with a little more trend / conviction either way.

We’ve got JPY and its related pairs under the thumb, with eyes on Nikkei if considering to “beef up / add ” to any positions under our current framework. Ideally we’ll want to see JPY “breakout” from it’s ascending triangle moving higher…as “appetite for risk” moves inversely lower.

NZD in particular remains weak here this morning, but Thursday brings with it “another possible rate hike” out of New Zealand. It’s my thinking perhaps they “hold off” on an additional hike here and perhaps markets have already suspected as much but….that’s just speculation.

Still no aggressive trades in EUR, GBP vs USD as I want to give it another day or so to see if  USD turns lower here as I expect it to.

A weak open here as Japan was weak overnight as well EU stocks so…..it remains to be seen of “the machine’s that be” will again step in at the U.S open and work their “usual magic” to keep this thing flying a little longer.

Comments from both The BIS ( Bank of International Settlements) as well the IMF “AND” even The Fed suggesting that it’s getting a little out of hand here – with public perception and the underlying fundamentals now clearly out of touch with reality.

Gold miners entries as of a few days ago remain strong, and the final “short SP 500” added at 1956.00 ( via Sept 191 puts ) appears to be holding its own.


Want to see what other irons we’ve got in the fire? Come join us in the members area for weekly reports, daily strategies, real-time chat and trading of “anything and everything under the sun” at: www.forexkong.net

Gold Bugs! – Here’s Our Pullback!

Just fantastic.

The recent surge in gold now wiping out the “bottom pickers” and providing excellent long term opportunity across the board. This is the dip to be bought.

The price of Gold is now the exact same as it was back on May 14th! We’ve timed it perfectly, and haven’t missed a thing.

I’m still waiting for lower in both Gold, Silver as well the related mining stocks but as of today one can “offically” get it on their screens, and start creating those short lists.

EXK has always been a favorite of mine, but “it’s all gonna go” in the same upward direction once this pullback runs its course.

A blast from the past: Gold Going Down

You’d have to imagine that “letting gold out the basement” has some pretty braod sweeping implications…one being…..now that The Fed has losened the grip one can imagine that USD will also be allowed to move higher – as the “massive dilusion” will once again be masked with both Gold and USD moving higher medium term.





Gold and USD – Passing In The Night

With the expected move out of USD coming together over night, we’ve seen more than enough follow through here to confirm what was suggested yesterday.

Stocks won’t hang on here, and I expect the power of the U.S Dollar “repatriation trade” to flatten gold here as well.

For those of you “investor types” I imagine you’ve come this far so a couple more months ( and perhaps further drawdown ) as gold slides into “its final leg lower” likely won’t kill you.

However for those looking at gold,silver and the related mining stocks as a trade….unfortunately – I see lower prices – before higher.

This is no “small blip” as far as USD is concerned, likely marking a significant turn “not only in the currency” but “in all” that it affects.

So far only the European currencies have taken the initial hit, but it won’t be too long now til we see the Canadian Dollar, as well Australian and New Zealand follow suit, and I’m not talking about a trade here……I’m talking about a major shift over the medium and even long-term investment horizons.

Top call still very much so “intact” here as of today – with the “Members of Kong” doing very nicely in our first month working together. Feel free to poke around the members site, and hey….you can even join us if you’d like. I’d take an additional 20 if you want to contact me over the weekend at : info@forexkong.com

Have a great weekend everyone! It’s sun sun sunshine here!



Chinese Fire Sale – U.S Dollar Up In Smoke

Make no mistake…China “will” take the hit on those warehouses filled with “useless dollar bills”, or at least what’s left of them by the time they’ve used all they can to buy gold.

As the “macro plans” continue to take shape, the Chinese will soon look back on the “massive fires that raged through the warehouse district” as a passing story in the news – in the context of a “time of change”.

Consider trading hockey cards with a couple of the other kids on your street. All of the same set and series, until a month or two later a new set is introduced and you start trading those. More kids are buying and trading these “new cards” until finally – all you’re left with is a tiny box of the “old ones” eating up precious storage space under your bed.

Eventually you forget all about them, as the trade of these “new cards” now has you buying and trading with little concern for the “few dollars lost” on the inventory of “old cards” gathering mold underneath your bed.

I think that sums it up.

As China continues to grow its domestic economy, and promote trade in Yuan as opposed to the U.S Dollar, it’s really only a matter of time until both China as well “a large portion of the industrialized world” separates completely from any dependence on a U.S imposed system of trade in U.S Dollars.

We good here?

No terrorism here. No “bash America” / China to rule the world type thing no.

Just a simple outline of how a couple of countries on this planet have grown to be less “export dependent” and more “domestically driven” and far less interested in the purchase and hold of U.S “funny money”- with the unfortunate result leaving The United States and it’s continued devaluation of the U.S Dollar  – out in the cold.

As the Fed continues to “mask” the true devaluation of the U.S Dollar by shorting the gold paper market and driving prices down, China gladly scoops up every ounce she can – demanding “actual delivery of the physical gold”.

China will continue to not only produce more gold, but as well purchase more gold “on the cheap” with every single “Fed raid in the paper market” to soon present the Yuan as a completely convertible currency on the global stage.

Complete with stockpiles of “real gold” sitting in vast warehouses behind it…..somewhere on the other side of the tracks.

So what does this mean for the future of the U.S Dollar and it’s use as the worlds reserve currency? What does this mean for the massive amounts of money previously gained by the U.S via the “use” of USD in trade world wide – soon to be lost?



Forex, Gold, The Fed, USD – Trades Next Week

With all the talk of “collapsing emerging market” currecies, and the now “global move” towards risk aversion, we are starting to get a good idea as to how the Fed’s massive liquidity injections ( which spilled out of the U.S over the past 5 years ) have fueled spending / investment in these countries – and now the effect of that “hot money” being pulled back out.

As you’ve come to understand, huge amounts of freshly printed U.S Dollars invested “elsewhere” in search of better returns ( as if you can imagine..U.S banks / investors groups would rather invest in an “emerging economy” that their own “sinking” econmomy) are now pouring back into U.S holdings accounts in fear of much further downside risk.

The Fed’s commitment to tapering ( or at least until they freak and double QE) has triggered a rise in interest rates “planet wide” as many of these “emerging economies” now scramble like mad to adjust.

Keep you eyes on gold and silver for buying opportunities ( I like EXK as well ANV ), as well be prepared for some “serious letting of air” in U.S Equities as from a technical perspective we’ve not even made a dint yet, and the fundamental trade is pretty much clear as day.

Fed sticks to tapering – and planet goes down hard. Fed boots up QE ( and more ) band-aid gets put back on. I’m really curious to consider “how far they will actually let things slide” , as even another 1000 SP points doesn’t really look to scary on a weekly chart. Things could easily fall much further over the coming months.

Forex wise, we’ve finally come into the shift and volatility needed to pull “serious profits” in a very short time as these things always move “much further and faster” when moving to the downside.

A complacent buyer is one thing……..but a “freaked out seller” is another animal all together.

We gorillas stand to do very well in times of “correction”.

Exactly the same trade idea’s setting up for the following week, short of a couple days (perhaps late in the week for a breather / bounce ( and slightly lower USD ). We are clearly in a proven “up trend” in USD both technically and more inportantly fundamentally so…..I will continue to press until proven otherwise. Fed POMO running once on Monday and then “Double POMO” on the 5th then virtually NO POMO for nearly 2 full trading weeks! Let’s see how markets hold up…..or not.



I’ve been updating / tinkering with my Face Book page as well if anyone is interested in “liking” or following etc…. Forex Kong on FaceBook

Markets Trade Sideways – You Know What To Do

I thought I’d wait until after the close today – hoping that “perhaps” there might be something a little more interesting or exciting to chat about. Low and behold…..not.

Today being the 15th trading day with the SP 500 still flopping back n fourth – in range.

Gold putting in some “constructive” moves but certainly nothing to write home about, and the US Dollar’s upward move has “for now” run a little low on steam.

Japan’s Nikkei has also continued to trade in range, unable to get back over that magical 16,000.

What’s changed? What’s new? Absolutely nothing as price action continues to trade sideways day in and day out. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it, just accept it and do your best to remain calm, focused, and don’t get lulled to sleep.

Markets have a tendency to “jump up and punch you in the face” at the most “inopportune time” so…..keep those eyes peeled and maybe “just maybe” we’ll see some fireworks here soon.

Gary Savage – The Dumb Money Tracker

Once again I have trouble containing myself.

Here’s the original post where I quite blatantly called Gary out to discuss his “incredible investment advice”. Specifically TO BUY LONG TERM PUTS ON QQQ AND SPY on December 22nd.


The crux of “my issue” with this was the suggestion of “buying long dated puts for 2016” with the expectation of “holding these puts” for “potencially massive gains”.

Now – only 3 weeks later “The Dumb Money Tracker” is suggesting – and I quote:

“””At this point I think one has to throw caution to the winds and just buy stocks. Knowing that the Fed is going to protect the market for the foreseeable future.”””

“””Don’t worry about momentum divergences or trend line breaks. All one needs to know is that the Fed is handing out free money and all you have to do to get your share is buy stocks.”””

3 WEEKS LATER! This……only 3 weeks later.

I can’t for the life of me imagine what “other gems” Gary offers for a “$1 trial subscription”.

You can do your best again man….should you choose to “pop in” and clarify – but to be honest I really don’t see the point.

Smart money?

How bout “No Money”.